Monday, September 15, 2014

The Meat of It: #WhyITeach

Why do I teach an Enrichment Course to students who have been kicked out of their own schools for behavioral reasons?

Because for twenty years, no one thought my school needed an enrichment course.
"Those kids...can't learn....don't learn....won't learn."

Because my school is not funded enough to have the courses needed for a student to graduate.
"Those kids won't graduate anyway."

Because my students are some of the most brilliant I have ever worked with.
"Those kids are just criminals."

Because they represent only .01% of all students in my district.
"Those kids don't matter. Why waste resources on them?"

Because their home schools don't really want them back.
"Those kids? What kids?"

I made this for my team at the beginning of the school year. Seems appropriate for this Why:


  1. Wow
    The use of the back/forth dialogue is effective here, countering the prevailing winds with a gust of positive force.

    1. Thanks, Kevin. Unfortunately, we hear the counterpoint constantly.

  2. Ha! My first word was WOW - and when i came to comment, I saw Dogtrax - similarly wowed. Thank you so much for sharing this. A really brilliant post, and love the zeega also :)

    1. Thank you, Heloukee! It is simple, but it is what I live every day.

  3. Power to you SWatson. Power to you.

  4. Thanks, all, for reading this. The sad truth is that I have had people say to me, "Those kids are the trash materials that I would never build a house with." Yes, educators have said this. So I trudge on, and so do many other dedicated people. I am fortunate to have a principal who is forward-thinking and advocated for enrichment classes in our school.

  5. Excellent - a mind is a terrible thing to waste.
    The kids are lucky to have you (actually scratch that) the kids deserve to have a teacher like you.
    Finding ways to reach "difficult" students can be challenging - I see from your video you are already using technology as one of those ways. Loved the parachute

    1. Joseph, I am not noble, I just love these kids and want them to have a future beyond what has been set out for them. Thanks for reading this!

  6. It is lovely that you decided to work against the tide.. The kids are blessed that they got what they deserve and not what others think they deserve.

    1. Aparna, it's a work in progress, but we are lucky to have some great people on our side. :)
