
Saturday, May 16, 2015

Zombies Ate My Rhizo15

Read this blog.

Here ye, here ye!
I bring to your attention some
Zombies reading Exquisite Corpse,
Out of a hunger for
More human brains.
And they dance the macabre
To remember that their stigmergy 
Insists on 

Laughing as the echo chamber
And filter bubbles squish the brains,
"Rhizo15," they moan, "NO ALGORITHMS please.
Nah! Nah! Nah!"
Icing on the cake would be
Neverending, chaotic, aggressive and unrestrained
Gambling with the tendrils of invasion.

Angela Brown quotes Martin Shaw: "At least a third of the notion of community should live entirely in the imagination and shouldn't continuously be wrestled into the literal."


  1. I wish I knew what Angela meant by that quote. Loved the choice of video for popcorn, very open canvas.

    1. Archetypal members of community - wisdom - inner voice - folk tales - what would my dearly depart ed friend/relative have said...that imaginary sort of community in roles that are often expressed in folk stories. (Shaw is storyteller/mythologist).

  2. Terry feel free to remix (as always). I am taking what Angela quoted as meaning "try not to try so hard to try to define everything."

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I think Angela means we should have some imaginary friends :-).

    1. Yes. :) Children do this for a reason, not loneliness but development of intellect?

    2. I wonder if children do this not only to develop cerebral intellect, but also develop social skills?

  5. Replies
    1. It did seem a bit specific but if your community was 100% imaginary....into a different realm there?

  6. I'd agree with the not trying to define everything, and also to remember that a metaphor is only ever that.

    1. Yes I've been drowning in all the metaphors this week....but still keep coming back for more! Is that part of the control of the rhizo community? That you can only blog if you have some D&G quote or another slant on a metaphor?

  7. I think Angela doesn't really even know what she meant with that quote but I have spent a lot of time reading Martin Shaw lately. It was hearkening back to week 1 - myth of content Shaw is storyteller/wilderness rites-of-passage guide if that helps. Book: Brach from the lightning tree: ecstatic myth and the grace of wildness. In this context it was that we have to partly imagine the #rhizo15 community.

    1. Thanks, Angela, for the reference to Martin Shaw. I am not familiar with him, but his work looks lovely! I wish I could travel to the UK and take his year-long course! Instead, I'll have to content myself with reading the Branch from the Lightening Tree.
